Since the beginning of Excel I’ve been playing a little game. Mainly for my own amusement, though it also helped me further my career while...
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Yesterday, at the Model Off awards ceremony at Microsoft headquarters in London – talking about why ‘Financial Modelling’ always...
Excel is MUCH MORE than a brief thrill. Inspired by a conversation with Bob Phillips last week. You can go to an amusement part and go on all the...
This question from Danielle Stein Fairhurst reminded me of a solution from way back I implemented at WSP, from an idea by Tom Bower, Commercial...
Some musings on Excel skills recruitment. Inspired by a 2017 thread on EuSprIG list started by Simon Hurst, and the work of ‘Calc...
If the 25 year journey of VBA in Excel is anything to go by, only a select minority will leverage this awesome new direction Microsoft is taking...
If you look back on the history of innovation you will find this pattern. There’s a process that has it’s inherent pains. The pains are...
Intro to ‘terminology’ We’ve had spreadsheets since 1978. And mostly, we have thought of spreadsheets in much the same way over...
Who hasn’t heard of Lego? Lego is a set of plastic pieces that cleverly fit together to make models of things. The pieces themselves are...
Any business spreadsheet user will confirm that the idea of successfully replacing spreadsheets with something else is a myth. This is evidenced in...