Since there’re tons of Excel courses online and in-classroom training, does the business world really need any more? To use Excel you need to...
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First a clarification. This blog is about the many questions asked on Excel forums, where the question asked is ‘how can I do this using this...
It is a presentation? a training session? or a workshop? It’s all three 🙂 It is also … entertainment and love in! You can come in hippie...
Yesterday I had several illuminating insights at the Model Off awards ceremony at Microsoft headquarters in London. This is one of them. Have you...
A WORK IN PROGRESS! I’m working on demonstrating an app I started creating with Excel about 10 years ago – simply because (1) I...
The truth (or the answer) is out there. But we don’t know where to look for it, how to look for it, or whether we have found it because we...
“We should be fixing the process, and then fixing the spreadsheets to work in the process” Tony Wong’s insightful statement when we...
You’ve just bought a beautiful new BMW M3. It comes with an owner’s handbook. It also comes with a tourist guide that lists the best...
Yesterday Alan Murray posted a tutorial here, and asked the question ‘how would you do it’. I didn’t use PowerQuery. I would have...
If the problem seems too easy then it could be that I haven’t understood it. But then again, maybe it’s not a problem at all. Either way...